Traditional drugs are the talk of the day at the national as well as international horizons. As people’s health assumes prime importance, it is the subject, which hogs the limelight. Therefore, medicinal plants out to be given the status of “Natural Resources” as their sustained availability is essential to sustain one of the world’s best medical tradition, a priceless legacy of Indian people . Drugs of plant origin play a vital role in this cause.
Understant the value and potential of plants derived drugs ,BiOMAP was founded in year 2004 by the experts of medicinal and aromatic plants with a clear vision to bring medicinal and aromatic plants to the society for their health as well as economic benefits.
BiOMAP is one of the renowned medicinal and aromatic plants based organization headquartered at Bidar in the state of Karnataka. The organization is a promoter of nature’s traditional wealth for their cultivation, processing and product formulation of standardized quality which are scientifically validated, pure, preventive and productive in nature.
We have a team of eminent scientist and technical experts who help in identifying the herbal plants vis a vis their suitability of cultivation and value addition for the socio-economic importance.
Ownership and establishment: NGO and year 2004