Life science sector is all set to take the centre spot in the coming days. However, one of the most challenges in this sector is the short of skilled man power which does not match up to the growth pace of the sector.There is an increasing demand for trained man power in the sector and BiOMAP is initiating a unique job oriented training programme which will build up a platform to enhance their practical skills along with an opportunity to work in an herbal based organization.The BiOMAP is dedicated to provide scope for better development of natural health sector and wellness by offering following services to the society.

1.Training ,consultancy and awareness program on MAP.

2.Quality product and diabetes free society and healthy life mission.

3.Knowledge building of rural farmers and unemployment youth.

4.Skill development of training commonly by transfer of technology in the field of MAP crop production and processing.

5.Employment generation of quality production and services.

6.Conducting health camps in village for awareness on burning health issue&lt.

7.Promoting Kitchen herbal garden concept among rural population.

8.Promoting organic farming concept for quality production.

9.Promoting nature conservation programmes.

The Only & Uniqe Solution Jiyo Diafreen

1.It can help Beeta-cell of Pancreas to secrete insulin and utilization of Insulin can be enhanced so sugar can be controlled..

2.It also help in balancing insulin and in regulating blood pressure.

3.It my help in detoxifying the body system

4.It works well for digestion, bowel movement and hence acidity is reduced.

5.It contains anti tooth decay substances.Teeth and bones become strong.

6.Provides vitamins and Minerals..

Highlights of Training cum Seminar Activities

“Farmers Training on Vetiver under Societal Development Program DBT, New Delhi

“Farmers Interaction with resource person during Training under Societal Development progran DBT, New Delhi”

“Farmers gathering during Training cum awareness on Vetiver Cultivation Sponsored by DBT, New Delhi

“Vetiver Slips distribution to the Beneficiaries of Yakatpur village under SDP Project DBT, New Delhi”

“Seminar Mission for Diabetes Free Society”

“Diabetes Awareness Program in Odhisa State”